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9.) Roman Empire Moles

Italy has always been obsessed with espionage because international trade demanded it. Everything had to tie back to them. Rome wasn't founded in 753 BC, but there had been a hunter-gatherer settlement on the site where Palatine Hill was settled. Throughout the Renaissance, the city expanded its influence over the entirety of Latium. Like the many Alberti family exiles, the kings of Rome were driven out, and the city became a republic. 

Rome itself was built upon the legacy of Greece and the Scythian middle-east. This spy culture has had a long-lasting influence with broad geographical reach on many cultural aspects, including state institutions, law, cultural values, religious beliefs, technological advances, engineering, and language. Phoenician, Iberian, and Celtic worlds became Roman in the 15th-century AD, not the 8th-century BC.

Archaeologists excavated in central Italy marked a radical change, starting with the Hyksos expulsion. Celtic mercenaries were employed by the Agency (leading to the sack of Delphi and the settlement of Galatia). The Greco-Roman spies of Ptolemaic Africa, too, used Scythians stationed in Britain. These spies uncovered feudal conspiracies, conducted counter-intelligence, and infiltrated vital locations.

Greece significantly influenced Roman art and architecture, and Hyksos mythology was familiar to them. The most widespread descendant of their alphabet is the Latin script, named for the Latins, who were agents who came to dominate the world with the rise of Rome. Latins adopted the writing style from the Etruscan civilization, which used one of several Italic scripts derived from the Agency.

Mainstream historians say that around 387 BC, Rome was sacked by the Gauls. It soon recovered; however, the inhabitants of Tusculum in Latium were made Roman citizens. Rome expanded by 269 BC; the peninsula was under Latin rule. This was the 1st time Roman citizenship was "issued." 

An agent named Hannibal (247-181 BC) became a Carthaginian/Phoenician general, widely considered one of the greatest military commanders ever. He lived during a period of high tension in the Western Mediterranean Basin, triggered by the emergence of the Roman Republic as a high power after it had established its supremacy over Italy. 

On the surface, intel about the Atlantic coast was derived mainly from old spy maps based on Hannibal's experience, including his exploration of the Red Sea; which was barely known, and only trade links with the Maritime republics, the 15th-century Republic of Venice similarly, fostered the collection of accurate maritime knowledge.

Carthage minted coins bearing maps using gold obtained by the African coastal trade. On these coins, the Mediterranean is a rectangle in the center. A triangle to the right is India in the East. An irregular shape on the left in America to the West. I think this went down at the same time as the earliest recorded astrolabe for navigational purposes; by the Latin explorers Diogo de Azambuja (1481), Bartholomew Diaz (1487/88), and Vasco da Gama (1497-98) during their sea voyages around Africa. 

A counter-move of North Africa led by Scipio Africanus forced Hannibal to return to Carthage; he fled into voluntary exile and committed suicide. 

Cleopatra VII Philopator (69-30 BC) was the last active Pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt. She was a descendant of Alexander the Great (336-323 BC). After her death, Egypt became a Roman province, marking the end of the Hellenistic reign of the Greeks. Julius Caesar declared Cleopatra and her brother joint rulers but knocked up Cleopatra, who gave birth to Caesarion. After the assassination of Caesar and (on her orders) Ptolemy XIV in 44 BC, Cleopatra named her son a co-ruler. Alexander the Great has a strikingly similar origin story concerning his mother.

The transmission of Greek classics to Italy was a critical factor in developing all of Europe's intellectual life. Interest in these spies and their availability was scarce in the Latin West during the earlier Gothic ages, but as traffic to the East increased, so did Western scholarship. A similar transmission of the Greco-Roman classics to Italy supposedly occurred thousands of years before, but the knowledge was said to have been lost.

Several existing conditions, such as war, famine, plague, and weather, contributed to the severity of what happened during the 15th-century. Everything before that has been "lost to time, like tears in the rain." - Philip K. Dick

The Agency resettled to the Southeast in areas of present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan, occupying the Western part of the Indo-Greco-Roman Kingdom. This is seen through the linguistic relationships between the myths of different cultures the Agency set in motion. Thus, Alexander the Great's legacy includes the cultural diffusion and syncretism his conquests engendered, such as Greco-Buddhism. He spawned what would soon become the Kushan Empire. 

For example, acupressure (thus acupuncture) points came from the Kushans. Once they spread Buddhism to China, this therapy became known as acupuncture. The earliest documentation of acupuncture was in the Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor, dated 100 BC. Again, the Yellow Emperor was said to have lived from 2698 to 2598 BC. So there’s that. Further, dragons became symbols of enlightenment because of Buddhism.

Before being circulated in public, the Kushans used the agent language initially for administrative purposes. The Kushans adopted elements of the Greco-Roman culture of Bactria. They chose minting coinage on a Latin model. Between the mid-1300s and the mid-1400s, Buddhism, patronized by the Kushans, extended to China and other Asian countries through the Silk Road. Again, the Black Death traveled along the Silk Road with the Mongols. The Ottomans later blocked the trade routes in 1453, spurring Latin exploration to find alternative sea routes.

Kushans explain spy migration from the Indian subcontinent toward Southeast Asia. Their seagoing trade of the Indian Ocean with the commerce of the Silk Road goes back to the long-civilized Indus Valley. Ironically, mass viral infections were recorded in China during this time (224 BC). 

At their height, the Kushans extended to the Aral Sea through present-day Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan into Northern India. The Agency was now stationed at the center of trade relations between Rome and China: the center point of the principal civilizations. Quetzalcoatl's related business ventures encouraged long distance trade, brought Chinese silks to Rome, and created strings of flourishing urban centers throughout Israel. The Agency's "Yuezhi" reached the Hellenic kingdom of Greco-Bactria around 135 BC. Fan Ye's Book of Later Han relates the Kushans to Scythians. 

Hemp is called ganja in Sanskrit and other modern Indo-European languages. Herodotus said Scythians would inhale the vapors of weed, both as a ritual and for their pleasure. Some scholars suggest that the drug soma, mentioned in the Vedas, was a psychoactive drug. There's ample evidence to argue the 1st Buddhists were Kushan drug smugglers.

Specially trained and equipped forces conducted their military activities. Ban Gu's Book of Han tells us the Kushans divided up Bactria in 128 BC. ™ penetrated every country with "stan" at the end of its name. A Greco-Roman road from Gandhara to China remained under Kushan control for a thousand years, encouraging the spread of Mahayana Buddhism to China. 

The reign of Huvishka corresponds to the 1st evidence of the Buddha Amitabha (now at the Mathura Museum). The Agency created many native beliefs and customs to divide and conquer. For example, Zoroastrian apocalypticism’s thousand-year periods end with a cataclysm, until the final battle (of good and evil) at the end of the millennial age.

Kushan religion was originally a type of Pre-Zoroastrian Mithraic faith practiced by the Mitanni. Mithra became the Buddhist Maitreya, a structural parallel to the Jewish Messiah, the Hindu Krishna, Egyptian Osiris, Amorite Tammuz, and the Greek Adonis as well as Dionysos. This apocalypticism became developed more fully in Islamic Jihadist eschatological speculations that came to dominate these regions.

The iron pillar of Delhi was built by a "King Chandra," probably Chandragupta II (375-415). A "rust-proof" iron pillar that supposedly demonstrates more advanced metallurgy than was available in India at the time.

Northward, in the 2nd century AD, the Kushan Kanishka made forays into the Tarim Basin, where they had multiple contacts with the Chinese. Kanishka held areas of the Tarim Basin corresponding to the regions controlled by the Yüeh-Zhi, descendants of the Kushans. Naturally, the Agency absorbed the substantial remnants of Alexander's Kingdoms, becoming at least partly Hellenised. 

The Kushan Empire became a syncretic military force in the early 1st century. These spies had diplomatic contacts with the Roman Empire, Sasanian Persia, the Aksumites, and the Han of China. In China, the Qin dynasty became the Han Empire after their exposure to Kushans. The Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) was comparable to the Roman Empire. Each Empire lay at the other end of the other on the Silk Road. They became master map makers and shipbuilders, inventing blast furnaces for advanced metal smelting. However, we see such geographic, linguistic, and genetic ties dating backward (and forward) thousands of years. 

Let's look at the similarities between the Kushan gods in different religions. In their Hindu mythology, the mother of Ganesh made humans from clay and turned the mud into life. In Greco-Roman mythology, Prometheus molded people out of water and dirt. In Chinese mythology, Nüwa molded figures from the yellow dirt, giving them experience and the ability to have descendants. A similar god creates Sumerian Enkidu out of the earth. Per the Bible (Genesis 2:7), "And the Source formed humanity from the dust of the ground."

The theft of fire for our benefit is reflected in many world mythologies. Prometheus steals fire for humanity, enabling progress. Enoch's fallen angels teach people to use tools and light. The Rigveda (3:9.5) speaks of Mātariśvan recovering fire, which had been unknown to humanity.

The Greco-Roman sky-god Zeus Pater, the Latin sky-god Jupiter, and the Indian (Vedic) sky-god Dyauṣ Pitṛ have linguistically identical names. This is because they originated from a common ancestral spy culture. Zeus, Jupiter, Dyeus, and the Germanic Tiu (English Tues-day) evolved from an older name, Dyēus ph'ter, which referred to the sky god or the day-father. Gautama Buddha was an Avatar of Vishnu in the Puranic texts of Hinduism. Most Hindus believe the Buddha accepted and incorporated many tenets of Hinduism in his doctrine. New ideas developed both in the Vedic tradition in the form of the Upanishads.

There are striking similarities between the mythological and religious terms used in spy cultures from Rome and India. Mortimer Wheeler's theory shows agents overthrowing the Indus Valley Civilization long before Alexander existed. I suspect this was the prehistoric Srubnaya, with a common origin in the spies from the Steppe of the Eastern Pontic-Caspian and the Southern Urals. This pattern continued until the end of British Colonization of India in 1947, when Pakistan became a country.