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2.) Leon Battista Alberti’s Spies

Upon further inquiry, I looked into Leonardo da Vinci's collaboration with Luca Pacioli's "father of accounting" and author of Divina proportione. It's not hard to see how ϕ (aka the Golden Ratio, Divine Proportion, etc) is within the Vitruvian Man. Pacioli is said to have published the 1st description of the double-entry system. However, double-entry bookkeeping is echoed in Plinius the Elder's (70 AD) Tabulae Rationum. The question is, why isn't there evidence of its usage since 70 AD? 

At the time of da Vinci's youth, Florence was spy central. Leonardo da Vinci's youth was spent in Florence, surrounded by artists like Masaccio, whose figurative counterfeits were imbued with realism, and Ghiberti, whose out-of-place objects had detailed backgrounds. Alberti was in his 60s, training Humanists like Verrocchio, Antonio del Pollaiuolo, and Mino da Fiesole's portrait sculptor.

Alberti's treatise De pictura was to have a profound effect on them and, in particular, on Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci combined different functions from Alberti's drafts to illustrate their utility. By reconstituting Alberti's technical inventions, da Vinci created new things.

Alberti became tight with the House of Medici, the wealthiest family on Earth at the time. Most people didn't have surnames back then; for example, Leonardo da Vinci was named after the town he was born in. Even though da Vinci's father was wealthy, only deep-rooted families like the Alberti and the Medici had original last names. 

The Alberti family built the castle of Catenaia, "two chains," named after their coat of arms. They came to Florence from Israel during the 13th-century Neolithic Revolution. Their fortune came from property rights and running a billion-dollar trade company within Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, and Syria.

Medici is plural for "medical doctor." This family earned their fortune by initially funding hospitals to treat the Black Death. The establishment of the Medici Bank under the Alberti family's improved banking system and the subsequent trade brought unprecedented wealth to Florence. In the 1460s, Cosimo de' Medici and Alberti established a fraternal order of resident Humanists philosophers and facilitated his remix of chronological records through a Latin lens. 

Their Neoplatonic Florentine Academy served as a recruitment center in Italy for all one knows.

Shortly before his death, Alberti completed a treatise titled "On Ruling the Household," a template for the Medici. Commissioned by Giovanni de' Medici, their hilltop Villa in Fiesole was designed by Alberti. This dwelling then became the prototype for all Renaissance villas. From 1397 until 1494, their bank was the most respected institution in the world. 

Although there is no immutable "truth" about past events and their meaning, there's ample evidence that Alberti belonged to a supra-national intelligence organization. Although its name is unknown, I refer to it as the Agency. 

Able to cross national borders freely, they specialized in keeping secrets. Cryptanalysis tied them together; their ability to "crack" encryptions allowed them to communicate with each other, in public, without outsiders knowing about it.

The most notable forgers were Giotto, Masaccio, Brunelleschi, Piero della Francesca, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, who formed an ethos of counterfeiters. The Agency also encouraged many lesser architects to achieve fakes of extraordinary quality. Alberti's serendipitous presence within the Florence region educated particular genius spies, such as Niccolò Machiavelli. Once Alberti made young da Vinci an agent, da Vinci started designing military and spy equipment from parachutes to armored fighting vehicles. He'd then passed them off as Greek antiques.

Most inventions came from devices for war. For example, the 1st-century polymath, Hero of Alexandria, has treatises about water, air, and steam-powered devices long before the 19th-century’s Industrial Revolution. Hero's books were supposedly known to Islamic scholars but magically reappeared in Europe in the 15th-century. Same with Archimedes (287 BC-212 BC), a Greek polymath in Sicily. He was credited with designing various machines, from compound pulleys to the screw pump, used to raise water for irrigation.

Alberti's Neoplatonic Florentine Academy was sponsored by Cosimo de' Medici and supported by them until the death of Lorenzo de' Medici. The academy was dissolved soon after the death of Lorenzo de' Medici in 1492. Poliziano and Mirandola were assassinated in 1494. Their bodies were exhumed; they died of arsenic poisoning on the order of Lorenzo's successor, Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici.

This spy ring hasn't had to answer known laws, let alone the rules governing the countries on which it spies. Such regions become compromised by the Agency after they can no longer perform essential functions, usually due to pandemics or other cataclysmic events. 

We know that human societies in the past were significantly more technologically advanced than others around the planet. I don't think these groups were aliens; I suspect they were extensions of the Agency. I argue that most humans were still hunter-gatherers up until the time of Alberti. Thus, widespread civilization began with the rise of literacy. The beginning of self-consciousness started with the ability to read and write. Our capacity to articulate language on paper fueled the Age of Discovery. 

Speculatively, I suggest humanity 's shift toward behavioral modernity occurred after a 14th-century viral outbreak, the Black Death. Traumatized, we were in a state of collective lunacy. Shared nightmares from pandemics cause acute collective trauma. After such cataclysms, it's possible that most of us weren't conscious of what was happening. Maybe our behavior was based on "command hallucinations," similar to what directs people's expressions with mental illness. This theory is based on my analysis of mainstream Renaissance scholars, who show the 1st positive signs of literary self-awareness. 

Such people do not just hear random voices but experience "command hallucinations" instructing their behavior, sometimes urging them to commit terrible acts. I suspect the origin of schizophrenia is a relic of flashbacks from viral outbreaks. Even evolutionary psychologists suggest the gene that imparts plague resistance in homozygous forms has direct links to schizophrenia. 

Rather than making rational evaluations in unexpected situations, what if (back then) we'd hallucinate a voice and think it came from the "gods"? Some of us still do. Based on my literary analysis of texts mainstream scholars deemed ancient, the 1st appearances of the "concept of self" came from the 15th-century; even the artwork began to look realistic. Here, I borrow Julian Jaynes' Bicameral Mind theory, suggesting behavioral modernity occurred in the Bronze age. Still, I argue that Alberti created most Bronze age content in the 15th-century. 

The rise of literacy led to more than an increased demand for books; it promoted self-awareness. The earlier time-consuming hand-copying method fell far short of accommodating. A billion copies were printed in less than 4-centuries. From a single print shop in Venice, the Agency's omni-myth had spread to no less than around 270 cities by the end of the Renaissance. By 1480, there were hundreds of printers actively pushing it. From that time on, Alberti's remixes were in universal use. The 1st newspapers soon opened up an entirely new field for conveying up-to-date intel to the public.

All major inventions like handguns, print, and ocean navigation occurred in Alberti's lifetime. Feasibly all the chronology of the "Old World" is known to us from texts that date from the Renaissance but describe events that allegedly happened thousands of years before, the originals regrettably and conveniently lost. 

The English timeline of 640-1040 and Byzantine records of 378-830 are emulations (reflections) of the same late-Medieval source. Most depictions of ancient events have backgrounds from the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453).

In Renaissance Europe, the chronology was about states or nations. The study of records changed during the Enlightenment. Chronology became an independent discipline. The "philosophia historiae" didn't exist anymore, but merely history (historia). Interestingly, Alberti developed a bizarre theory bearing the same name beforehand, "Historia." 

The idea of art and culture dying during the Dark Ages, then resurrecting during the Renaissance is cryptic. It's illogical that Greco-Romans under Byzantium could fail to use the intel left by early Greece and Italy, especially when it was of urgent military use. Many events before that point either never happened or are ghostly retellings of events that occurred much later or much earlier. 

For example, Sparta was a leading Greco city-state. Yet, little evidence of Sparta survives to study. What we have comes from Athens, Sparta's rival; likewise, the Romans destroyed most evidence (cultural artifacts) of earlier conquered peoples. The Peloponnesian War between the Spartans and Athenians describes something later. 

One hint is the scytale transposition cipher used by the Spartans. The conflict between the Duchy of Athens and the Duchy of Neopatras in Greece was held by the Catalan Company. The Navarrese Company attacked them in the late 14th-century. Fomenkos' final analysis of an eclipse triad of Thucydides in History of the Peloponnesian War, Fomenko dates the eclipses to the 11th or 12th-centuries. The layered structure of the book suggests Thucydides lived during the Fall of Constantinople.

Alberti traveled to Rome in 1431, where he took holy orders and entered the service of the papal court. I believe Fomenko is correct when he states that the world record before Alberti was deliberately falsified for political reasons. It was 1st fabricated by the Medici's Vatican and later by pro-German Romanovs. The Vatican continued to evolve during the Middle Ages and remains a significant facet of the modern Western world. 

For example, the modern concept of the republican government reflects the Roman Republic. The Roman senate and legislative branches inspired the U.S. Congress. Our president holds a position reflecting the Roman consul. These constitutional institutions of Rome survived throughout 15-century Florence.

There was no single rupture when what "was" the Roman Empire went to bed in antiquity and awoke in the Gothic world; instead - the cultural transformation occurred after the Black Death. The use and meaning of the classical Western tradition changed dramatically with the emergence of Alberti's Humanism.

Alberti's secular system became a model for those after him, such as the Spanish and British. It's self-evident that the Latin legacy has been more impactful than comparable hegemonic civilizations like the Persians, Egyptians, and imperial Chinese. 

Rome was the "civitas," reflected in the etymology of the word civilization. The civitas connected with the actual Western civilization on which subsequent cultures were built. Although the law of Rome is not around today, modern law in many jurisdictions is based on principles of Roman law. Some of the same Agency terminologies get used today. The general structure of jurisprudence, in any jurisdiction, is the same (trial with a judge, plaintiff, and defendant) as that established during Roman times.

Like the Internet, the Printing Press was a modern "catalyst of change." The Printing Press led to the transformation of Medieval society into the Renaissance. It is the most critical event of the 2nd millennium. The Agency revealed and concealed intel like money, horses, and the wheel in various parts of the world to maintain power. This, coupled with the "rediscovery" of old texts and accompanying forgeries, was accelerated when many Byzantine scholars had to seek refuge in Italy.

With the printing press, the Agency quickly spread their false narrative about the “New World” to the people who had survived the Plague. Stories about savage Indians across the Atlantic traveled far and wide with little to no pushback. Little did these people know that some of the major figures in these stories were none other than Alberti himself. 

Alberti had spies all over the world. They were masters of intelligence gathering and obtaining secret information from undisclosed sources. His clandestine group had covert networks operating everywhere. 

As mentioned before, one of his aliases was Vitruvius. Not much is recorded about his life, but he is argued to have lived from 70-15 BC under the name Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Just as Alberti dedicated works to major political powers, Vitruvius dedicated De re aedificatoria to the emperor Augustus, Marcus Agrippa, and others. Alberti was a welcomed guest to soldier-princes and high-level military commanders that generously spent money on his remixed records. 

You almost have to read these dates as pages of a novel. I'm not saying history isn't in chronological order. It's just thousands of years misdated to conceal our Stone Age past. For example, De Architectura inspired surviving Roman monuments such as the Pantheon and the Baths of Diocletian, yet it wasn't circulated until the Renaissance. 

Even Marcus' cognomen Pollio is uncertain. I argue that Marco Polo (1254-1324) reflects, or imitates, Marcus Pollio, one of Alberti's countless "reflections". Marco Polo was allegedly an Italian merchant who traveled through Asia along the Silk Road between 1271 and 1295. Best known for "seeing many things previously unknown to Europe." 

Parallels between Marco Polo and Marcus Pollio suggest Alberti knew about the New World long before Columbus, whose search for the wealth and prosperity of India's Bengal Sultanate led to the colonization of the Americas a few years after Alberti's supposed death. Since the publication of Polo's book in 1300, some have viewed the book with skepticism. I question Marco Polo's travels in China. Polo does not write about the Great Wall of China, and the exact date and place of birth are "archivally" unknown. His origins seem like pure falsification.

Now dig this; the Florentine cosmographer Paolo Toscanelli and Alberti collaborated in map-making through astronomy (a close science to geography at that time), producing "Descriptio Urbis Romae." Toscanelli provided Columbus with the map that guided him on his 1st voyage.