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17.) Prehistoric Speculations

Where did the Agency come from? I regard Israel as the axis mundi. As the center of the world, it represents the connection between the Source and its creation. For example, Bnot Ya'akov Bridge in Israel shows controlled fires (790,000 BC). Then nearby, in the Qesem cave, we find the earliest examples of its regular use (400,000 BC). 

The Qafzeh-Skhul fossils were discovered in Israel and dated to widespread fire control 125,000 years ago. These early humans were initially considered a hybrid transitional species from Neanderthals, though they are now considered the earliest Homo Sapiens in Eurasia. Thus, Neanderthals could have lived with modern humans in Israel from 100,000 BC until 50,000 BC.


As the Agency interbred in the Israeli Kebara Cave, they gave rise to the Levantine Aurignacian expansion into Europe approximately 48,000 years ago. This is generally accepted as the origin of modern humans. In most cases, Neanderthals were outnumbered 1/10 by modern humans, effectively getting “outbred” into extinction.

The Qafzeh-Skhul early humans relate to Haplogroup E-M215. In human genetics, this haplogroup is informally known as Y-chromosomal Adam. It is the patrilineal most recent common ancestor from which every one of us is descended. Haplogroup E-M215 branches occurred about 47,500 years ago off the Horn of Africa. The Agency is always led by the most recent male from whom humanity falls through an unbroken line of men. Thus, all modern non-Africans came from a single wave of Africans 47,500 years ago.

The analogous matrilineal most recent common ancestor is Haplogroup HV. The 24,000-year-old (oldest so far) anatomically modern humans of the Cro-Magnon type from Southern Italy test as Haplogroup HV, HV1b2 is discreetly known as Mitochondrial Eve. 

They unite us all. Our concern for others is strongest towards family. This concern gets weaker the more distant we are from whoever, or whatever, is around us. They were apex predators; using lions and tigers and bears to make food, clothes, and weapons. They invented primitive watercraft to cross landmasses. From the Norse Embla & Ask to the Chinese Nüwa & Fuxi, this couple went by many names.

They met within the transitional Kebaran culture, which was preceded by Aurignacians and followed by the proto-agrarian Natufian culture. As the progenitors of the entire human species, Natufian DNA displays how we are all linked. 

Like their genes, their religion evolves by a process of descent. Arabs and Jews share this paternal line of descent more than any other, suggesting Y-chromosomal Abraham may belong to E-L29 or something very close. The latest analysis of Natufian remains (by Lazaridis et al. 2016) found that they were a mix of 50% Basal Eurasian ancestral component and 50% Western Eurasian Unknown Hunter-Gatherer (UHG) group related to European Western Hunter-Gatherers. The earliest known intensive usage of plants was 23,000 years ago at the Ohalo II site in Israel.

Archaeologically, I find it hard to distinguish the difference between all Pre-Renaissance humans and Natufians except that our brain size has been decreasing ever since the Upper Paleolithic. The narrative of humanity's past is flawed. Archaeology, genetics, anthropology, linguistics, and source documents don't always line up. 

The Agency formed during the Natufian Neolithic Agricultural Revolution. During this period, Quetzalcoatl’s grandparents began to domesticate animals. As these farmers made permanent settlements, security increased. Surplus from farming allowed the Agency to be formed. As it expanded, the Agency fostered advances in transportation. Sources of obsidian were a highly valued commodity since Neanderthals walked the earth. Turkish (Anatolian) obsidian has been found from Israel to Iraq (12,500 BC). Again, obsidian artifacts were common in the earliest urban centers.

Around 12,000 years ago, multiple impacts produced the Younger Dryas boundary layer, ending the Last Ice Age. Just as the Black Death transitioned humanity into literacy, the Younger Dryas turned hunter-gatherers into farmers. Humans evolve fastest during catastrophes. Natufians supported a semi-sedentary population even before the introduction of agriculture. They ended the Stone Age. For example, the world's oldest evidence of metal smelting has been found with them. Also basic essentials, like bread and beer making.

I think the Younger Dryas brought Natufians in contact with Siberian Mal'ta-Buret hunter-gatherers. I believe they went to the upper reaches of the Euphrates and Tigris as a haven between 10,800 and 9,500 BC. As such, Natufian and Mal'ta would have used Nostratic-like languages to create the Semitic branch of Afroasiatic. Could these Mal'ta be why Göbekli Tepe's stone pillar resembles totem pole designs, superficially reminiscent of those in the U.S?

This impact event also caused the Mal'ta-Buret to cross a landmass, now covered by the Bering Strait, becoming Native Americans. Fourteen to thirty-eight percent of Native American ancestry originates from gene flow from the Mal'ta Buret people. In contrast, the other gene flow in Native Americans appears to have an Eastern Eurasian origin. 

The other Mal'ta-Buret who stayed closer, along the Black Sea, became Yamnaya. Natufian dog domestication led Yamnaya to train ponies and finally domesticate the horse. They are why Indo-European languages have a distant genealogical relationship to the Proto-Semitic Afroasiatic language. The Venus figurines and the Ain Sakhri lovers display these connections. The Corded Ware culture shares ancestry with Yamnaya because their Pontic-Caspian steppe origins. 

The Iraq civilization was the 1st Bronze age of people in the world. However, the 1st evidence of smelting dates between 5500 BC and 5000 BC, along the Black Sea in Turkey and Serbia. Depictions of a wheeled vehicle appear between 3500-3350 BC in the Bronocice clay pot excavated in a Funnelbeaker culture settlement in Southern Poland. 

Plant and animal husbandry prompted a division of labor, and spies became worshiped as founders of civilization. The Agency's growing complexity necessitated accounting and writing systems.

Their Vinča symbols predate the proto-Sumerian pictographic script from Iraq. Everything historical after this relies on writing and can be a fabrication of the 15th-century.

A sharp rise of the Black Sea generated the Agency's next cataclysmic event. In narratology, it’s called the the monomyth; as seen in the Sumerian flood, Greco-Roman Deucalion and Pyrrha, Pralaya in Hinduism, the Gun-Yu in Chinese mythology, Bergelmir in Norse religion, Cessair for the Irish, K'iche' and Maya, the Lac Courte Oreilles of Native Americans, the Muisca and Cañari and some Aboriginals oral stories in Australia.

The Agency began to set up bases near reliable sources of drinking water. Aqueducts dispensed fresh water to the public. They built water-front fortresses in Mesopotamia, the Indus River valley, and Egypt's Nile. Up into China's rivers and down toward the tiny rivers off the coast of Peru. The Genesis flood ties it all together. 

The 6 days in Genesis are not ordinary days, but are billions of years longer. The Hebrew word yom (day) refers to a cyclical time period, with a beginning and an end. It is not describing a 24-hour day, the 6 days parallel the scientific consensus for the age of our universe.

I agree with the religious creationists to the extent that our reality was created with the appearance of age, so that everything appears much older than it is. This “false appearance” is what gives archaeological findings and other methods of dating their much longer timelines. 

The personal G-d of Israel created the universe through evolutionary processes. Biological natural selection applies at microcosmic and macrocosmic scales. Over 99% of all species that ever lived (5 billion +) are extinct. Such events produce diversity in every dimension of biological organization, from new kingdoms to species, and new organisms to molecules.The similarities between all life alive imply a common Source from all species, dead or alive, have diverged.

A collapsing black hole gives birth to a new universe; pushing it out on its "other side". This new universe’s fundamental constant parameters may only differ, by a tad, from those of the universe where the black hole initially collapsed. Every universe can thus give birth to as many baby universes as it has black holes. Existence, as we know it, contains the evolutionary processes of reproduction and mutation. Natural selection results in populations that specialize in niches. The eventual result is the emergence of new species. As fundamental characteristics of the Universe, ϕ and π mathematically describe natural selection.. 

The earliest evidence of life is fossilized in 4 billion-year-old metasedimentary rock, suggesting early life (on Earth) came from hydrothermal vents.Microbial mats were the dominant form until photosynthesis led to the Great Oxygenation event that generated complex cells with organelles. This allowed multicellular organisms to perform specialised functions, like sexual reproduction by a single celled eukaryotic species. Soon, animals and algae-like land plants were born. 

In other words, animals paved the way for plants, which caused the Late Devonian extinction event which caused major marine-life die-offs. Therefore, vertebrates (like synapsids, an ancestor of mammals) dominated the land until they mostly became extinct in the Permian-Triassic event. For better or worse, dinosaurs took the vertebrate throne until the Cretaceous-Paleogene event killed off the ones that didn’t evolve to fly. Afterward, mammals took over the land. 

Primates mutated from other mammals (85 million years ago) and the great apes “branched off” from gibbons. African apes, in turn, diverged from orangutans. The tribe that included humans, parted from gorillas and, later, chimpanzees (7 million years ago). The result, anatomically modern humans in Africa (300,000 years ago). 

Perhaps the Agency took an alternative evolutionary route from the other great apes by adapting to a more aquatic habitat. This unknown piscine amphibious humanoid must have resembled the creature from the Black Lagoon. As it mated with werewolf-looking hominids (Australopithecus), they started to bear semblance to vampires (H.antecessor). 

What if human evolution occurs much later than we’ve been told, and the monsters we’ve put in our books and movies are actual depictions of what humanity looked like before the Renaissance? Maybe dragons, and the like, existed as dinosaurs that lived alongside humans. After all, our methods of dating fossils are bunk. Only 14% of Earth's current species have been documented.

I envision something out of JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings; with Elves (H.habilis), Dwarves (H.idaltu), Hobbits (H.floresiensis), Orcs (H.naledi) and Trolls (H.erectus). For example, H.heidelbergensis was the last ancestor of Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern humans; before we were isolated as today’s Europeans, Asians, and Africans.

I believe the Agency has been mixing with (and replacing) local populations long before recorded history. This was how ™ was able to do the things he did, to travel to the places he traveled, and to impact the historical record how he did. This book has shown only a sliver of ™’s activities, and much more is yet to be revealed. 

What if he learned how to extend his life, living on as St Germain, Bacon, Kircher,etc? Maybe if he survived his body's death in a technological form and was connected to the Internet via satellite.. For all we know Turing, also known as “the father of Artificial Intelligence,” uploaded ™ 's consciousness into a quantum computer at CERN (birthplace of both the Internet and the Large Hadron Collider (black hole generator). Perhaps this is why data is stored in sequences of ones and zeros. Turing predicted the mechanisms for the patterns in nature, like stripes on animals and spirals in plants.

Turing understood how ϕ is common in all forms of life because it’s selected by Darwinian processes; allowing for ideal growth factors. Similarly, π is found in everything from thermodynamics to electromagnetism. It's even used to test supercomputers. We could, very well, be in a holographic universe; formally known as ™.